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Goose Hunting Field of Decoys

The 5 best states for goose hunting

Finding your favorite goose hunting destination may take you to a state you weren't expecting. Here are 5 of the best states for goose hunting in the US, taking into account factors like habitat, goose species diversity, and hunting opportunities:

  1. California
  • This western state might surprise you as a top goose hunting destination, but it boasts excellent populations of geese, particularly for hunters seeking Light Geese like Snow Geese and Ross's Geese.
  • Central Valley refuges offer prime goose hunting opportunities, with vast fields and abundant food sources attracting large flocks.
  • Public hunting opportunities exist on wildlife areas and refuges, with some requiring a draw for permits.
  1. Texas
  • Texas offers a bounty for goose hunters, with opportunities to pursue Light Geese like Snow Geese and Ross's Geese, as well as Greater White-fronted Geese and Canada Geese.
  • The Coastal Prairie region and the Panhandle provide prime wintering grounds for geese, attracting millions of birds each year.
  • Public hunting is available on wildlife management areas (WMAs) and refuges, alongside private leases.
  1. Arkansas
  • The "Duck Capital of the World" also holds its title for goose hunting. Arkansas offers opportunities to hunt Greater White-fronted Geese, Snow Geese, Ross's Geese, and Canada Geese.
  • The Mississippi Alluvial Valley, with its flooded timber and agricultural fields, creates an attractive wintering habitat for geese.
  • Public hunting is available on WMAs, refuges, and through private leases.
  1. North Dakota
  • North Dakota is a haven for waterfowl hunters, and geese are no exception. Hunters can pursue Greater White-fronted Geese, Snow Geese, Ross's Geese, and Canada Geese.
  • The state's vast pothole region provides ideal breeding and staging grounds for geese during spring and fall migrations.
  • Public hunting opportunities exist on WMAs, refuges, and through private leases. A draw system might be in place for some areas.
  1. Washington
  • Washington offers excellent opportunities for goose hunting, particularly for Light Geese like Snow Geese and Ross's Geese.
  • The Columbia Basin and the Skagit Flats provide prime wintering grounds for geese, with vast fields and abundant food sources.
  • Public hunting is available on wildlife areas and refuges, with some locations requiring a permit drawing process.
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