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Best Colorado GMU for Elk

Colorado's Top Units for Trophy Bull Elk

Colorado Archery Elk: Hunt Trophy Bulls in These Legendary Units 

For archery elk hunters, Colorado represents one of the best opportunities for trophy elk hunting. The thrill of calling in a massive bull during the rut is unmatched. But to chase true trophy potential, you need to focus on the state's premier units. 

Colorado's Best Elk Hunting Units: GMUs 2, 201, and 10

These northwestern units are typically considered the holy grail of Colorado elk hunting, renowned for producing bulls that consistently score in the upper echelon. However, access is fiercely competitive.

  • Why They're Top Tier:
    • Managed for quality, resulting in mature, large-antlered bulls.
    • Prime habitat and limited hunting pressure contribute to exceptional trophy potential.
    • Archery season aligns perfectly with the peak rut, maximizing calling opportunities.
  • Statistical Breakdown (Check CPW for latest data):
    • Permit numbers are extremely limited, often in the single digits for non-residents during archery season.
    • Drawing these tags requires substantial preference points, sometimes exceeding 25+ for non-residents.
    • Success rates, while potentially skewed due to low permit numbers, reflect the high quality of bulls harvested.
    • Resource:

Other High-Value Colorado Bull Elk Units:

  • GMU 1:
    • Also in the northwest, offering challenging terrain and quality bulls.
    • Known for rugged terrain and lower hunter numbers.
    • Resource:
  • GMU 40:
    • Produces impressive bulls, but private land access is a major factor.
    • Requires careful planning and potential outfitter assistance.
  • GMU 76:
    • Good numbers of elk, and trophy potential.
    • A good option for hunters with good preference points.
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